Friday, November 13, 2009

Can anyone make a qoute for me?

anyone who comes of the best will get 5 stars and 10 points

ok so i was fixing my myspace and i always have a picture on the left side

so i was going through pictures from texas when my family went in august

so i found one picture that my brother took of me. its black and white and its on a boardwalk by the gulf of mexico. there is water on the right side and tables by the water with umbrellas and on the left side there are flowers and plants.. and me in the middle my back in the picture with my head down and my thumbs hanging in my back pockets... its sorta like an emo picture [ BUT IM NOT FRIKKEN EMO ]

anyway i wanted to use paint and write a qoute on it but i don't know what to come up with

i came up with this qoute but its kinda weird

turn your back on love... and you'll see

or something like

never turn your back on love, because you'll never know the outcome

please help mee

i really need a qoute!!

[ better than the ones i came up with ]

Can anyone make a qoute for me?
"One is not born a woman, one becomes one"

Simone De Beauvoir
Reply:When you we do good things for others We do good things for GOD
Reply:It could say this it was in my friends.


Real Eyes

Real Lies
Reply:i would like to give a list of quotes if its ok...

1.) Make Fantasy a Reality and Reality a Fantasy...

2.) Paradise doesn't mean peace and harmony around you but within yourself...

3.) mysterious, so this weird??

4.) I rock!!! Only the ones who are worthy can look into my eyes...

5.) If you want to see with me...

6.) Self-control


Inner Strength

Inner Power...

All of these are inside of you, waiting to come out...

7.) Dont turn your back at me...You will surely regret it...

hope you like it!

its cool ryt? hehehe
Reply:"I'm lame"
Reply:Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.

Life's short. If you don't look around once in a while, you might miss it.

Its not what i feel for you.. its what i don't feel for any one else
Reply:Don't turn your back on life.

It can be swept away like sand castles along the shore.

25 SIGNS THAT YOU HAVE GROWN UP true or nunny?

1. Your potted plants are alive. And you can't smoke a one of them.

2. Having sex in a twin-sized bed is absurd.

3. You keep more food than beer in the fridge.

4. 6:00 AM is when you get up, not when you go to sleep.

5. You hear your favorite song on an elevator.

6. You carry an umbrella. You watch the Weather Channel.

7. Your friends marry and divorce instead of hookup and breakup.

8. You go from 130 days of vacation time to 7.

9. Jeans and a sweater no longer qualify as 'dressed up.'

10. You're the one calling the police because those darn kids next door don't know how to turn down the stereo.

11. Older relatives feel comfortable telling sex jokes around you.

12. Your car insurance goes down and your car payments go up.

13. You don't know what time Taco Bell closes anymore.

14. You feed your dog Science Diet instead of McDonald's.

15. Sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt.

17. Dinner and a movie - The whole date instead of the beginning of one.

18. Eating a basket of chicken wings at 3 a.m. would severely upset, rather than settle, your stomach.

19. You go to the drugstore for Ibuprofen and antacids, not condoms and pregnancy test kits.

20. A $4.00 bottle of wine is no longer 'pretty good stuff.'

21. You actually eat breakfast foods at breakfast time.

22. "I just can't drink the way I used to," replaces "I'm never going to drink like that again"!

23. Over 90% of the time you spend in front of a computer is for real work.

24. You don't drink at home to save money before going to a bar.

25. You read this entire list looking for one sign that doesn't apply to you!

25 SIGNS THAT YOU HAVE GROWN UP true or nunny?
Now Chris. I am not that old hehehe
Reply:There isn't one sign that applies to me. There are 25 signs that apply to me! Have a star!
Reply:you just made me feel really old!!

not all apply!!
Reply:I must be ancient!!
Reply:Number 23 doesn't apply to me so I can't be grown up yet! Good one.
Reply:Funny! 100!
Reply:What did u say i cant hear u
Reply:ha ha ha funny

thanks for a laugh

Reply:sh*t am i that old*
Reply:soo true hun, and scary, pmsl

star time

Reply:L O L sh*t i'm getting old x
Reply:Yep most of those for me now ha ha ha ,,,,
Reply:numbbers 4 and 11 apply to me!

thats only 2 !!

i;m not old!

but hey..i'm only 12 (going on 13!))
Reply:Some of these are true.. Does that mean im half old??

But very funny!

Monday, May 11, 2009

How do You Know You've Been Out Of college for tooo long?

-Your potted plants stay alive.

-You keep more food than beer in the fridge.

-6:00 AM is when you get up, not when you go to sleep.

-You hear your favorite song on the elevator at work.

-You carry an umbrella.

-You watch the Weather Channel.

-Your friends marry and divorce instead of hook-up and break-up.

-You go from 130 days of vacation time to 7.

-Jeans and a sweater no longer qualify as 'dressed up'.

-You're the one calling the police because those damn kids next door don't know how to turn down the stereo.

-Older relatives feel comfortable telling sex jokes around you.

-You don't know what time Taco Bell closes anymore.

-Your car insurance goes down and your car payments go up.

-You feed your dog Science Diet instead of McDonalds.

-Sleeping on the couch is a no-no.

How do You Know You've Been Out Of college for tooo long?
SADLY, I must admit to getting "old" (relative term of course) because I can relate to almost everything there. All very true and funny. Thanks for pointing them out.

One more for the road?

- You stand in your garage and look at children getting into mischief in your neighbourhood and say "Where are their parents?"
Reply:ah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahh... deep breath hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

deep breath

yeah thats good
Reply:Agree! I am NEVER going to drink that much again.

Anyway not til next time. lol
Reply:really good and extremely true!!!

Reply:So true ha hahaha lol
Reply:sounds just about rite
Reply:too good star 4 u

How to keep curls in

Dog has shredded bark of keepsake tree. Help!?

My husband and I have a huge umbrella tree about 15 years old. It is a keepsake of his mother who has passed on.

Recently, we noticed that the tree looked sick. Droopy branches, dehydrated leaves.

On closer inspected we noticed that the bark is all tattered, a good sized gash about 4 inches long. The white wood is showing, it has plainly been chewed at. Midway up the tree.

Our Brittany spaniel, has been using it for a chewing toy. The little rascal.

I have heard that you can graft sections of trees on certain species. Is there anything I can use to cover the wound? Any suggestions or websites would be appreciated. I know a fair bit about plants but I am baffled at what to do. Thanks.

Dog has shredded bark of keepsake tree. Help!?
You need someone to do a "bridge graft", it's like a heart transplant for trees. Not many people attempt it even tree surgeons. I've tried it three times on trees damaged by dog chains and only one survived it's first Dakota winter, an apple. It had a 6" trunk that was girdled 50% and I used three 1" grafts and pruned out 50% of it's branches. I had never seen it done before but I have done other grafting and had nothing to lose. It will never be normal looking, the trunk will always look very odd but it still produces apples. RScott
Reply:I'd definitely call a nursery or a tree surgeon to have a look at it. This sounds like it needs considerably more care than I am able to give it online, unfortunately. Clearly, you need to find a way to keep the dog away from the tree, of course.
Reply:You might see if you can find a substance called pruning sealer. It is in a jar with a screw on brush top or can also be found as a spray. Put it on the wound and see if you can seal it. Wrap the trunk with tree wrap - you can get it at the local nursery. You can also buy a short section of black plastic corrugated pipe and split it, then wrap around the trunk. This would prevent the dog from doing further damage and give the tree a chance to heal. You will most likely see some branches die because of the injuries. Just like we have arteries and veins to distribute nutrients throughout our bodies, plants have a layer just below the bark that carries water to the branches and leaves. The core carries the food to the branches and leaves. The deeper the damage, the more likely some branches will be affected.
Reply:Try calling a tree nursery or tree farm in your area and they can probably help with your question.

I live in Portland Oregon and call Drake's seven dees. They are very helpful.

I hope this helps you.

Reply:If you live in town you might call your conservation department and ask them to send out their urban tree specialist to have a look at it. In the meantime, I would fence it off!

Which plant species is more toxic to cats, Umbrella Tree or Ficus Tree?

We were given two potted indoor trees as a gift. One is an Umbrella Tree, and the other is a Ficus Tree. We want to keep at least one of them, as they are very pretty, but we are worried about our cats.

Our cats have never been known to chew any of our other house plants, but we don't want for one slip-up on their parts to be very toxic or even fatal!

I know some plants are more toxic than others, but maybe someone can shed more light on which (if either plant) is worse.

Which plant species is more toxic to cats, Umbrella Tree or Ficus Tree?
Neither of those plants are toxic to cats. They may chew the leaves and then throw up, but not because they've been poisoned. One of my cats never saw a plant she didn't want to nibble and shred.

Basically, all parts of any plant that grows from a bulb are poisonous.

Here is an illustrated list of toxic houseplants

and an article on how to train your cat not to nibble plants
Reply:I don't know anything about an umbrella tree, but I can assure you from first hand experience, if you really like this Ficus tree (and I loved mine)---keep your cat/cats away from it! No, they are not toxic to cats, and mine ate my entire Ficus tree---I was left with an empty twig. Naturally, the tree died. The cat, however is just fine.
Reply:both can be toxic if the eat enough moth balls taped to pot or layed on soil will detour them also get a squrit bottle with water when u see them go for the plant give them a squirt will not hurt in any way but cats don't like water on them and the scare will tell them to stay away good luck

Umbrella plant.....?

I have what is commonly called an Umbrella plant. (Don't know the real name of the plant), and a bunch of the leaves are falling off. I have never owned one of these plants before and don't know if this is normal. Could it be overwatered? Thanks in advance for any advice!!! ☺

Umbrella plant.....?
Yellow, falling leaves- This is often the result of too much water, or water that has been left in saucer below. It does NOT like "wet feet"! Let it dry out and water less in the future. Empty that saucer!!!

you can also look for new signs of growth (buds) chances are your plant might be dumping old growth to make way for new .Also it's called Cyperus or . Cyperus alternifolius (family Cyperaceae)

Good luck.
Reply:Someone I knew raised them and they were kept in water. Good luck.
Reply:The plant is scheffelera (spelling ?) commonly called the umbrella tree. Yes it is hard to care for until you get used to caring for house plants.

This a tropical plant the likes lots of light but not in the hot sun. Any plant will scorch if placed in the outdoors except in early Spring. I suggest measuring the water and the most common problem is over-watering. If this is what you think you did, let the plant dry out. They don't like their feet to be wet, so water only once a week and I would try one cup if it is a large plant. Good luck.

Is MacCain running for presidency in the state of Israel?

I noted he is distresssed by comment made by Iranian president about Israel more than his vote for useless Iraq war that has killed patriotic American servicemen for no clear reason.

Who is behind all these failing American middle east policie?

Martin S. Indyk, born July 1, 1951 to a Jewish family

in London, England, President Clinton’s ambassador to

Israel and now director of Brookings’s Saban Center

for Middle East Policy, foreign policy adviser………..

He served two stints as United States Ambassador to

Israel, from April 1995 to September 1997 and from

January 2000 to July 2001 [4] and was the first and so

far, the only, foreign-born US Ambassador to Israel.

In 1982, Indyk began working as a research director

for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee

(AIPAC), a pro-Israel lobbying group in Washington


Major critiques of Jewish lobbying were published by controversial billionaire George Soros, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Nicholas Kristof, the respected British newsmagazine The Economist and the popular Web site Salon.

The replies were furious. The New York Sun accused Kristof and Soros of spreading a “new blood libel.” The American Jewish Committee’s executive director, David Harris, wrote in a Jerusalem Post opinion article that Kristof had a “blind spot” and had “sanctimoniously lectured” Israel.

The editor of The New Republic, Martin Peretz, renewed an attack on Soros that he began a month ago when he called the Hungarian-born Holocaust survivor a “cog in the Hitlerite wheel.”


News reports are more even-handed, in part because reporters strive to be objective, but also because it is difficult to cover without acknowledging he Jewish actions. To discourage unfavourable reporting, the Lobby organises letter-writing campaigns, demonstrations and boycotts of news outlets whose content it considers anti-Israel ( Rev. Wright ). One CNN executive has said that he sometimes gets 6000 email messages in a single day complaining about a story.

In May 2003, the pro-Israel Committee for Accurate Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) organised demonstrations outside National Public Radio stations in 33 cities; it also tried to persuade contributors to withhold support from NPR until its Middle East coverage becomes more sympathetic to Israel. Boston’s NPR station, WBUR, reportedly lost more than $1 million in contributions as a result of these efforts. Further pressure on NPR has come from Israel’s friends in Congress, who have asked for an internal audit of its Middle East coverage as well as more oversight.

THE LIBERAL MEDIA | posted March 6, 2008 (March 24, 2008 issue)

(Some) Jews Against Obama


During the past few months a small group of neoconservative Jews, many of whom hold key positions in the world of official Jewish institutions, have been working to undermine the presidential candidacy of Barack Obama with a series of carefully planted character assassinations and deliberately misleading innuendo. I noticed this trend when Debra Feuer, a counsel for the American Jewish Committee, sent a confidential memo to her counterparts at other organizations criticizing Obama's views on the Middle East, Iran and Syria and attacking him for having once appeared at a fundraiser headlined by the late Edward Said. The memo, reported by the Forward, was immediately disowned, but not denied, by AJC executive director David Harris.

Also throwing his hatchet into the ring was Morton Klein, who heads up the Likud-loving Zionist Organization of America, complaining that "Barack Obama doesn't understand the continuing Arab war against Israel" and terming the notion of an Obama presidency "frightening." He was joined by Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice president of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the umbrella group that professes to speak for all American Jews. Hoenlein told the Israeli daily Ha'aretz that Obama's talk of "change" could prove "an opening for all kinds of mischief" and gave voice to what he termed "a legitimate concern over the zeitgeist around the campaign." The Tennessee Republican Party issued a news release noting what it claimed was "a growing chorus of Americans concerned about the future of the nation of Israel, the only stable democracy in the Middle East, if Sen. Barack Hussein Obama is elected president of the United States."

March 18, 2008

Apparently Without Irony, Washington Post Says Jewish Advocates Demand that Obama Show 'Fealty to Israel'

The story continues: supporters of Israel are rising against Obama, there is a major push this week to destroy his candidacy. Today's Washington Post reports on a debate yesterday arranged by United Jewish Committees in D.C. among Jewish advocates for Hillary, Obama, and McCain. The debate became a rout, the Post columnist averred, in which the advocates for Hillary and McCain "used their time to raise doubts about Obama's fealty to Israel."

Fealty to Israel? They portrayed Obama as a dangerous leftwinger, and when the Illinois senator's surrogate defended Obama's statement that the U.S. does not have to cleave to Likud policies, Ann Lewis, Hillary's advocate, responded:

"The role of the president of the United States is to support the decisions that are made by the people of Israel. It is not up to us to pick and choose from among the political parties."

Yup, sounds like fealty to me! What is there to say about such a statement? Horrifying. Likud has been against the peace process, against a Palestinian state, for the colonization of the West Bank. Do we have a foreign policy? Do we take sides on such matters? Do we take sides on minority rights in foreign countries? Are we the strongest country in the world, or do we get dragged around by racist biblical colonialists half a world away? What did we just do in Serbia and Kosovo--exercise our power to establish a Muslim state. But in this part of the world we have had no independent power to say what is right and wrong, for 60 years...

The columnist who wrote the piece is Dana Milbank, who in 2006 suggested that Walt and Mearsheimer are Nazis for talking about something called "the Israel lobby." When Milbank cites "fealty to Israel" and describes security guards with Israeli accents, it's hard to tell how ironic he is being. I think he is impish; and is trying himself to marginalize Obama without coming out and saying so.

22 hours ago

Choose as Best Answer

Is MacCain running for presidency in the state of Israel?
Nope, the USA.
Reply:Wouldn't it be nice to have as politician, any politician, vie for the presidency for the good of OUR country, not Israel.. or anyone else.

How about the first priority being to please the citizens of America first. They all get up on the stump and lie to us about how they are so concerned over the poor and needy and jobless in our country.. then get elected and spend most of their time nation building in Iraq.. appeasing Israel.. sucking up to other countries. When was the last time they actually put any effort into just getting our own country in shape and keeping our noses out of everywhere else.

We will only be stronger if we are strong... not if we keep forcing our poor to go fight wars for a paycheck.

Politicians are so far removed from real people it is sickening. and I don't need to hear one more say' I feel your pain".. How could they,, they have never had it, never will.. they are all safe in their Ivory towers looking down at the rest of us.

sandals church

I need help identifying an ornamental tree for landscaping?

I live in Iowa %26amp; keep seeing this really neat ornamental tree that many of the houses here have planted for landscaping purposes. However, all of my searches to local nurseries and on the internet have turned up fruitless. It looks like some sort of weeping tree, and it has green leaves when it is spring. Everyone that has one has called it an "umbrella tree," but that is not the correct name for it. I did find a picture on the internet of what one looks like without the leaves at .

They only grow about 5 - 6 ft. tall at maturity I think. Anyone have any ideas?

I need help identifying an ornamental tree for landscaping?
It looks like a 'Chaparral' Mulberry (Morus alba 'Chaparral') to me. Mine is about 10 feet tall, but is very old.....
Reply:I don't know what type of tree that is, but here is a link for a site to id trees.
Reply:I'm not sure what it is, but I know my neighbors have one. We live in VA, so it must be a tree that can live here as well.

Is McCain for American or Israel presidency?

I don't get it.

I understand Israel as allied of America but not the owner of America.

McCain seems to be distressed about Iranian president comment about Israel to the extent that he is making it a main campaign issue.

On a question - who is drowning America, i got a response below

Martin S. Indyk, born July 1, 1951 to a Jewish family

in London, England, President Clinton’s ambassador to

Israel and now director of Brookings’s Saban Center

for Middle East Policy, foreign policy adviser………..

He served two stints as United States Ambassador to

Israel, from April 1995 to September 1997 and from

January 2000 to July 2001 [4] and was the first and so

far, the only, foreign-born US Ambassador to Israel.

In 1982, Indyk began working as a research director

for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee

(AIPAC), a pro-Israel lobbying group in Washington


Major critiques of Jewish lobbying were published by controversial billionaire George Soros, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Nicholas Kristof, the respected British newsmagazine The Economist and the popular Web site Salon.

The replies were furious. The New York Sun accused Kristof and Soros of spreading a “new blood libel.” The American Jewish Committee’s executive director, David Harris, wrote in a Jerusalem Post opinion article that Kristof had a “blind spot” and had “sanctimoniously lectured” Israel.

The editor of The New Republic, Martin Peretz, renewed an attack on Soros that he began a month ago when he called the Hungarian-born Holocaust survivor a “cog in the Hitlerite wheel.”


News reports are more even-handed, in part because reporters strive to be objective, but also because it is difficult to cover without acknowledging he Jewish actions. To discourage unfavourable reporting, the Lobby organises letter-writing campaigns, demonstrations and boycotts of news outlets whose content it considers anti-Israel ( Rev. Wright ). One CNN executive has said that he sometimes gets 6000 email messages in a single day complaining about a story.

In May 2003, the pro-Israel Committee for Accurate Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) organised demonstrations outside National Public Radio stations in 33 cities; it also tried to persuade contributors to withhold support from NPR until its Middle East coverage becomes more sympathetic to Israel. Boston’s NPR station, WBUR, reportedly lost more than $1 million in contributions as a result of these efforts. Further pressure on NPR has come from Israel’s friends in Congress, who have asked for an internal audit of its Middle East coverage as well as more oversight.

THE LIBERAL MEDIA | posted March 6, 2008 (March 24, 2008 issue)

(Some) Jews Against Obama


During the past few months a small group of neoconservative Jews, many of whom hold key positions in the world of official Jewish institutions, have been working to undermine the presidential candidacy of Barack Obama with a series of carefully planted character assassinations and deliberately misleading innuendo. I noticed this trend when Debra Feuer, a counsel for the American Jewish Committee, sent a confidential memo to her counterparts at other organizations criticizing Obama's views on the Middle East, Iran and Syria and attacking him for having once appeared at a fundraiser headlined by the late Edward Said. The memo, reported by the Forward, was immediately disowned, but not denied, by AJC executive director David Harris.

Also throwing his hatchet into the ring was Morton Klein, who heads up the Likud-loving Zionist Organization of America, complaining that "Barack Obama doesn't understand the continuing Arab war against Israel" and terming the notion of an Obama presidency "frightening." He was joined by Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice president of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the umbrella group that professes to speak for all American Jews. Hoenlein told the Israeli daily Ha'aretz that Obama's talk of "change" could prove "an opening for all kinds of mischief" and gave voice to what he termed "a legitimate concern over the zeitgeist around the campaign." The Tennessee Republican Party issued a news release noting what it claimed was "a growing chorus of Americans concerned about the future of the nation of Israel, the only stable democracy in the Middle East, if Sen. Barack Hussein Obama is elected president of the United States."

March 18, 2008

Apparently Without Irony, Washington Post Says Jewish Advocates Demand that Obama Show 'Fealty to Israel'

The story continues: supporters of Israel are rising against Obama, there is a major push this week to destroy his candidacy. Today's Washington Post reports on a debate yesterday arranged by United Jewish Committees in D.C. among Jewish advocates for Hillary, Obama, and McCain. The debate became a rout, the Post columnist averred, in which the advocates for Hillary and McCain "used their time to raise doubts about Obama's fealty to Israel."

Fealty to Israel? They portrayed Obama as a dangerous leftwinger, and when the Illinois senator's surrogate defended Obama's statement that the U.S. does not have to cleave to Likud policies, Ann Lewis, Hillary's advocate, responded:

"The role of the president of the United States is to support the decisions that are made by the people of Israel. It is not up to us to pick and choose from among the political parties."

Yup, sounds like fealty to me! What is there to say about such a statement? Horrifying. Likud has been against the peace process, against a Palestinian state, for the colonization of the West Bank. Do we have a foreign policy? Do we take sides on such matters? Do we take sides on minority rights in foreign countries? Are we the strongest country in the world, or do we get dragged around by racist biblical colonialists half a world away? What did we just do in Serbia and Kosovo--exercise our power to establish a Muslim state. But in this part of the world we have had no independent power to say what is right and wrong, for 60 years...

The columnist who wrote the piece is Dana Milbank, who in 2006 suggested that Walt and Mearsheimer are Nazis for talking about something called "the Israel lobby." When Milbank cites "fealty to Israel" and describes security guards with Israeli accents, it's hard to tell how ironic he is being. I think he is impish; and is trying himself to marginalize Obama without coming out and saying so.

22 hours ago

Choose as Best Answer

Is McCain for American or Israel presidency?
He works closely with those that lobby with Israel. Those people would be Feingold, Kristol, Wolfowitz, Kerry, Bush, Cheney, and the rest in the PNAC.
Reply:You ask if McCain is running for the U.S. presidency. The answer is yes.

Then you copy and paste reams of verbiage that you have neither read nor understood.

Nor will anyone here read all that stuff.

If you are trying to tell us that you oppose McCain, I guess that means that we should vote for McCain.

Thank you for your input.

Reply:okay im sorry but theres noooooooo way im reading through all of that!!!
Reply:This is one real rambling editorial. It seems to be all over the place with no real direction or point. Is it an anti-Jewish piece, a pro-Muslim piece? You need to take a course in English composition.

Who do you think is drowning America?

Could America have been better over the past 7yrs?

Can America be better?

Read response below before you honestly respond

Martin S. Indyk, born July 1, 1951 to a Jewish family

in London, England, President Clinton’s ambassador to

Israel and now director of Brookings’s Saban Center

for Middle East Policy, foreign policy adviser………..

He served two stints as United States Ambassador to

Israel, from April 1995 to September 1997 and from

January 2000 to July 2001 [4] and was the first and so

far, the only, foreign-born US Ambassador to Israel.

In 1982, Indyk began working as a research director

for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee

(AIPAC), a pro-Israel lobbying group in Washington


Major critiques of Jewish lobbying were published by controversial billionaire George Soros, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Nicholas Kristof, the respected British newsmagazine The Economist and the popular Web site Salon.

The replies were furious. The New York Sun accused Kristof and Soros of spreading a “new blood libel.” The American Jewish Committee’s executive director, David Harris, wrote in a Jerusalem Post opinion article that Kristof had a “blind spot” and had “sanctimoniously lectured” Israel.

The editor of The New Republic, Martin Peretz, renewed an attack on Soros that he began a month ago when he called the Hungarian-born Holocaust survivor a “cog in the Hitlerite wheel.”


News reports are more even-handed, in part because reporters strive to be objective, but also because it is difficult to cover without acknowledging he Jewish actions. To discourage unfavourable reporting, the Lobby organises letter-writing campaigns, demonstrations and boycotts of news outlets whose content it considers anti-Israel ( Rev. Wright ). One CNN executive has said that he sometimes gets 6000 email messages in a single day complaining about a story.

In May 2003, the pro-Israel Committee for Accurate Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) organised demonstrations outside National Public Radio stations in 33 cities; it also tried to persuade contributors to withhold support from NPR until its Middle East coverage becomes more sympathetic to Israel. Boston’s NPR station, WBUR, reportedly lost more than $1 million in contributions as a result of these efforts. Further pressure on NPR has come from Israel’s friends in Congress, who have asked for an internal audit of its Middle East coverage as well as more oversight.

THE LIBERAL MEDIA | posted March 6, 2008 (March 24, 2008 issue)

(Some) Jews Against Obama


During the past few months a small group of neoconservative Jews, many of whom hold key positions in the world of official Jewish institutions, have been working to undermine the presidential candidacy of Barack Obama with a series of carefully planted character assassinations and deliberately misleading innuendo. I noticed this trend when Debra Feuer, a counsel for the American Jewish Committee, sent a confidential memo to her counterparts at other organizations criticizing Obama's views on the Middle East, Iran and Syria and attacking him for having once appeared at a fundraiser headlined by the late Edward Said. The memo, reported by the Forward, was immediately disowned, but not denied, by AJC executive director David Harris.

Also throwing his hatchet into the ring was Morton Klein, who heads up the Likud-loving Zionist Organization of America, complaining that "Barack Obama doesn't understand the continuing Arab war against Israel" and terming the notion of an Obama presidency "frightening." He was joined by Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice president of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the umbrella group that professes to speak for all American Jews. Hoenlein told the Israeli daily Ha'aretz that Obama's talk of "change" could prove "an opening for all kinds of mischief" and gave voice to what he termed "a legitimate concern over the zeitgeist around the campaign." The Tennessee Republican Party issued a news release noting what it claimed was "a growing chorus of Americans concerned about the future of the nation of Israel, the only stable democracy in the Middle East, if Sen. Barack Hussein Obama is elected president of the United States."

March 18, 2008

Apparently Without Irony, Washington Post Says Jewish Advocates Demand that Obama Show 'Fealty to Israel'

The story continues: supporters of Israel are rising against Obama, there is a major push this week to destroy his candidacy. Today's Washington Post reports on a debate yesterday arranged by United Jewish Committees in D.C. among Jewish advocates for Hillary, Obama, and McCain. The debate became a rout, the Post columnist averred, in which the advocates for Hillary and McCain "used their time to raise doubts about Obama's fealty to Israel."

Fealty to Israel? They portrayed Obama as a dangerous leftwinger, and when the Illinois senator's surrogate defended Obama's statement that the U.S. does not have to cleave to Likud policies, Ann Lewis, Hillary's advocate, responded:

"The role of the president of the United States is to support the decisions that are made by the people of Israel. It is not up to us to pick and choose from among the political parties."

Yup, sounds like fealty to me! What is there to say about such a statement? Horrifying. Likud has been against the peace process, against a Palestinian state, for the colonization of the West Bank. Do we have a foreign policy? Do we take sides on such matters? Do we take sides on minority rights in foreign countries? Are we the strongest country in the world, or do we get dragged around by racist biblical colonialists half a world away? What did we just do in Serbia and Kosovo--exercise our power to establish a Muslim state. But in this part of the world we have had no independent power to say what is right and wrong, for 60 years...

The columnist who wrote the piece is Dana Milbank, who in 2006 suggested that Walt and Mearsheimer are Nazis for talking about something called "the Israel lobby." When Milbank cites "fealty to Israel" and describes security guards with Israeli accents, it's hard to tell how ironic he is being. I think he is impish; and is trying himself to marginalize Obama without coming out and saying so.

22 hours ago

Choose as Best Answer

Who do you think is drowning America?
I think USA could be better in future, but right now there are a lot of countries and people all over the world who hate America coz of their politics. There are a lot of people in America that disagree with their leaders and I hope they will understand what they are doing to other countries.


Reply:And I thought I wrote a lot. Boil it down to the Israel effect. Yes indeed, a small percentage of the US's population can get the most powerful country on the planet to support the actions of a tiny country with a monumental chip on its shoulder. I just find it hard to understand why Israel is allowed to pursue its "Greater Israel" doctrine of trying to keep grabbing land and bringing in more settlers and settlements. If someone in the US says a word, here comes Abe Foxman and the ADL to clobber them. Freedom of speech is negated by this sort of intellectual bullying. But you won't hear a word on the MSM about it. And face it, Obama can't be expected to lead an effort to reign Israel in. He has been smeared and will have no credibility on national security. In contrast, McCain's promise of more wars and singing Bomb Iran is music to the neocons ears. Sad state of affairs.

Is there ANY way to legally get a clinically crazy neighbor to move? I am really afraid for our safety.?

My entire street is at their wit's end. We have a woman who moved in after we all did who is making this neighborhood hell to live in. She is literally delusional, accusing all of us of absolutely insane things - mostly over her paranoia about "her property". Last night, I let the riding mower stray over on her property, and she came charging out, screaming at me to stay on my own side of the property line, accusing me of breaking her son's things, and saying she has surveillance video of me stealing her plants in the middle of the night.

Need I say, ah, that's not true? She's called police because "someone is coming over and breakign up the flagstones on her patio" "somebody came over, took out her patio umbrella and swung it up against the house" (after a wind storm) "your dogs attacked my cat, and you stood there and watched it." She's tried to run people off the road, and has gone to the school to complain about the neighbor's kids being neglected. please help

Is there ANY way to legally get a clinically crazy neighbor to move? I am really afraid for our safety.?
If you are scared for your safety then you should move. Trying to force her to move you get you sued for harassment or arrested under the hate crime act (clinically insane are a protected group)
Reply:well there is something you can do and only one thing. you could call the police on her and report a disturbance call. you can call the police and tell them that she is making false accusations and is screaming. you also can try to befriend her and get the story out of her and then try to fix the problem without possible court and police and the whole neighborhood involved
Reply:I don't think there is legally anything you can do about this... she is rather annoying but technically not breaking any laws.

If she is driving your whole neighborhood insane, maybe its time to gather together so you can plan some kind of intervention. Some people are just determined to be crazy.

good luck
Reply:If you can get all the neighbors to gang up on her. She won't open her mouth.

Make her feel like she's all alone on the street. If you let her get to you, then she'll just keep harassing you.

Also it doesn't hurt to notify the police of your problem.
Reply:Sorry, but there is nothing you can do. It's a free country and people are free to be crazy. But is she does something to you, just call the police.
Reply:No,you can't force someone out of their own property just because you don't like their behavior.

When she causes problems,call the Police.
Reply:To answer your question, NO. However, I have a question for you...why is it SHE has to move? Why cant YOU move???

rain roots

People dont get my beauty !?

this is me

people relly dont get me

the queen of scotland gave me umbrella

but it never rained

im now home schooled cause i was expelled for cutting all of my english classes hair off

i ride wolfs on the cover of midnight

i only have 2 toenails

i dreamed constanly that plants take over the world and i was the leader ,queen shurgorbinfloragro!!!

i like chewing christmas tree ornaments

my moms never home i think shes a lepuracaun

i enjoy making drapes

i chewed a whole thorugh my wall,they call me jaws

at leats my pet hamster does his name is Gandofe

my catchpharse is paint my nails today bite them off tommrow

me dog conviced my to drink toilet water ,i loved it

what do you think of me !

People dont get my beauty !?
Um, you are very.........................unique I can say, but your face is very unique! I love the shape of it. And the different colored tips or whatever they are are awesome! I also love your nails! But I wish you would have shown your eyes! That's the best part of someone's face. And you can do whatever you wanna do including drinking out of the toilet. You are very akward though.
Reply:I totally understand your creative beauty. Your poem is wonderful and you are a great writer.

Hope I've helped!

EDIT: By, the way, she didn't just look up peace on photobucket. If you can't tell, the album is private so, even if you did look up peace, that image wouldn't show up.
Reply:The truth?

I think you are fugly and that you sound like a freakkkkk!

The fudged truth?

I embrace that you are so different and proud of it.

Ya, well I hope this is a joke...
Reply:i think you have a wild imagination

go write a book....

ps......nice job looking up peace on photobucket

now lets see what YOU look like
Reply:*coughs* man this sh*t is good.....oh yeah, the queen of england gave me a rain coat, and *coughs* anybody want some of this?
Reply:I think you are a really origial person!!!
Reply:I dont get you either.
Reply:I think you're onea those wannabe kids..
Reply:Hmm. Sounds like you need some attention?
Reply:niice imagination hun, go write a book and get it all out....then come back and ask me that question
Reply:i think you're pretty much amazing.

..... and that we're twins. i'm serious.
Reply:Hahaha very funny.

I think your cute,

I ride Wolfs too!!

Reply:ADD much? lol

you have a jay leno chin

you look very...distinguished...
Reply:You're my hero.
Reply:im really not trying to be mean but you sound a little crazy sorry........
Reply:your chin frightens mee..
Reply:you only have two toenails?

wtf. thats sick.
Reply:I think we're twins.
Reply:are you on like lsd?
Reply:i don't think of you
Reply:bad cop

is this real??? i hope this is a joke!!! i can c y ppl dont get ur beuty its cuz u dotn hv any

good cop

i luv tht u r differnt andi respect tht
Reply:im curious has to how you managed to cut off all your english classes hair off.. i mean didn't they notice after the first person.. im mean if you were really sneeky the sscissors cutting would still make a sound and you could maybe get the back row....

maybe you should open your own fabirics and crafts store to sell the drapes, finding a job you like is a good thing.

I hope your not renting your house, cause im sure they will take the cost to fix the wall out of the damage deposit...\

Was there a typing error or is your hamsters name really Gandofe and not Gandolf...?

Try not drinking toilet water, it may look clean after you flushbut really you have only diluted, and there is a reason your body rejected the materials that left it.

Im surprised it didnt rain in scotland, unless of course she mailed it to you....

Your dog must feel left out that you spend you time with wolfs (wolves) and not him.

Are you sure you get yourself?? you seem free spirited yet her you are asking strangers about opions of you. You have sent descriptions that u know people will find msot strange , and im assuming leaving out "normal" traits that you have....

I think of you as wanting to be free from the bonds you have created for yourself

Hey, does ne1 kno the name of an old PBS show about puppet like kids. The "asian" boys name was Skyy!! was a show on PBS kids and it was these pupphet kids. NOT sesame street or fraggle rock. They were pupphets but strings. But i clearly remember there was a boy like yellow colored so proabably "asian" and his name was Skyy and he liked to Garden. He would always go up the stairs and talk to his plants and take care of them. There was a black girl and some other white characters too. But i vividly remember Skyy liked plants and he was always calm and tranquil. I lhave been searching for the name of this show for YEARS. and it's not "under the umbrella tree" either. PLEASE guesses would be appreciated. Im from Chicago, IL and my local channel was WTTW 11, but still it was PBS kids. It was on prolly..1994-1997ish?. Im 18 so I was about 5 yrs old in kindergarden when it was on.

Hey, does ne1 kno the name of an old PBS show about puppet like kids. The "asian" boys name was Skyy!!
It was called "The Puzzle Place" and Skye was Apache (Native American) not Asian. There was an Asian puppet. Her name was Julie. Attached is the info on the show from Wikipedia.

I used to watch that show and I'm 36 years old. Isn't it sad how adults love kid shows? lol

P.S. For some strange reason they have Skye listed as a girl but he was definitely a boy.
Reply:puzzle place!

i watched it all the time when i was a kid.

the nerdy boy was ben

and there was a girl named jodie and a girl named kiki

ive never known anyone else who used to watch it


It's all about the Weather?

A small boy is woken by a huge crash of thunder and runs into his parents room, where his father comforts him. 'Don't be afraid of the thunder, it's just a noise that God makes when someone tells a lie.' But why is it thundering now' asks the boy. 'It's in the middle of the night and everyone is asleep.' 'I know.' replies the father 'But it's around this time that they start to print the newspapers.'

People always complain about the weather, but on one ever seems to do anything about it.

Thirty people are sheltering under an umbrella. How many of them get wet? None - who said it was raining?.

The drought here is terrible. The lawn's cracked, the plants have all died because of the hosepipe ban and I can't wash my car - and do we see any famous Africans getting together to do a charity single?

It's all about the Weather?
hahaha good one, thx
Reply:*throws you a star*
Reply:what's ur point?
Reply:talking bout weather is freaking 22 out dam it looks like going to be another cold nov like last year

You Know You're Out Of College When...?

1. Your salary is less than your tuition.

2. Your potted plants stay alive.

3. Shacking in a twin-sized bed seems absurd.

4. You keep more food than beer in the fridge.

5. You have to pay your own credit card bill.

6. Mac %26amp; Cheese no longer counts as a well-balanced meal.

7. You haven't seen a soap opera in over a year.

8. 8:00a.m. is not early.

9. You have to file for your own taxes.

10. You hear your favorite song on the elevator at work.

11. You're not carded anymore.

12. You carry an umbrella.

13. You learn that "Bachelor" is a nicer term for a jackass.

14. "Extended childhood" only really pertains to your salary, which is a little less than your allowance used to be.

15. "Twenty-something" means over-qualified, under-paid, and not married.

16. Your friends marry instead of hook-up, and divorce instead of break-up.

17. You start watching the weather channel.

18. Jeans and baseball caps aren't staples in your wardrobe.

19. You can no longer take shots, and smoking gives you a sinus attack.

20. You go from 130 days of vacation time to 7.

21. You stop confusing 401K plan with 10K run.

22. You go to parties that the police don't raid.

23. Adults feel comfortable telling jokes about sex in front of you.

24. You don't know what time Wendy's closes anymore.

25. Your car insurance goes down.

26. You refer to college students as kids.

27. You drink wine, scotch and martinis instead of beer, bourbon, and rum.

You Know You're Out Of College When...?

But a few of them I already do: 4, 6, 7, 8, 21, and 24
Reply:28. You wish you could go back.
Reply:Where the hell from you collect all these Stuff ?! Pretty funny and intertesting Ones Pal !! Keep adding such nice , clean and innovative ideas !! Thanks
Reply:keen observation.
Reply:roflmao....those were pretty good. Good one!!


Life is short, make it funfull, cheers?

1. A Teacher lecturing on population - In world after

Every 10 sec a woman gives birth to a kid.

A Man stands up - we must find %26amp; stop her!.



Johny - why r all these people running?

Friend- This is a race, the winner will get the cup.

Johny - If only the winner will get the cup, why r others running?



Teacher: "I killed a person" convert this sentence into future tense.

Johny: The future tense is "u will go to jail".



Johny was filling up application form for a job. He was not sure as to what to be filled in column "Salary Expected". After much thought he wrote: Yes!



Johny told his servant: Go and water the plants.

Servant: it's already raining.

Johny: So what? Take an umbrella and go.



Johny wins 20 cr from Rs. 20 lottery ticket.

Dealer gave 11cr after deducting tax.

Angry Johny: "Give me 20 cr or else return my 20 Rs back.




Life is short, make it funfull, cheers?
Its ok but all these things are sardar jokes
Reply:nice jokes!!!! I'll tell u one joke

" A woman and her 5 year old daughter were going to attend a wedding. As this was the first wedding the little girl was attending, she asked her mother "Why is the bride wearing white?" Because white is the colour of happiness" answered her mother. "Then why is the groom wearing black? Is it the colour of saddness? Is a woman happy when she gets married, but a man sad when he gets married??" asked the little girl. Her mother did not answer.
Reply:good one....cheers



i hope Johny doesn't read this else you will be in trouble!

i won't tell him either!...pffff..LOL
Reply:LOL, star.
Reply:quite funny! nice!
Reply:that's hilarious... pretty good jokes!
Reply:life is short ,but, make it fruitful and then....cheers. thanks.
Reply:funful and cheers
Reply:good collection. Some more please.
Reply:Its funny,
Reply:funny...some more...

Husband: You know, wife, our son got his brain from me.

Wife: I think he did , I still got mine with me!

Girlfriend: And are you sure you love me and no one else?

Boyfriend: Dead Sure! I checked the whole list again yesterday
Reply:all i must say is L.O.L
Reply:old jokes try another ones
Reply:LOL, I like the Johnny joke best. Cheers.
Reply:that's fantastic! thanks for that i needed it today
Reply:Lol......................good jokes

Have a great day :-)

Sardar offence people just enjoy?

A Teacher lecturing on population - In India after Every 10 sec

a woman gives birth to a kid.

A Sardar stands up- we must find %26amp; stop her!.


Sardar-why r all these people running?

Man- This is a race, the winner will get the cup.

Sardar-If only the winner will get the cup, why r others running?


Sardar had twins; he named them Tin Martin.

Again had twins %26amp; named Peter %26amp; Repeater.

again twins %26amp; named Max %26amp; Climax.

Again d same. disgusted Sardar named them TIRED%26amp;RETIRED!


Teacher: "I killed a person" convert this sentence into future tense.

Sardar: The future tense is "u will go to jail".


Srdr gets ready ,wears tie, coat ,goes out, climbs tree, sits on the

Branch regularly. A man asks why he does this. Srdr:"I've been

promoted as branch manager."


Sardarji was filling up application form for a job. He was not sure

as to what to be filled in column "Salary Expected".

After much thought he wrote : Yes!


One sardarji professor asked a plumber to come to his college.

U know Why?

Because he wanted to check where the question paper is leaking...


Sardar told his servant: Go and water the plants.

Servant: It"s already raining.

Sardar: So what take an umbrella and go.


Sardar found the answer to the most difficult question ever -

What will come first, Chicken or egg?

O Yaar, what ever u order first will come first.


Sardar wins 20 cr from Rs. 20 lottery ticket. Dealer gave 11 cr

after deducting tax.

Angry Sardar: "Give me 20 cr or else return my 20 Rs back.!


Postman:- I Have To Come 5 Miles To Deliver U This Packet

Sardar :- why did u come so far. Instead u could have posted it....


Sardar proposed a Girl......Girl said 'I'm 1yr elder to you'..........

Sardar said 'Oye No Problem Soniye, I'll marry you NEXT YEAR.

Sardar offence people just enjoy?

a sardar was getting money from the atm machine when the sardar behind him said, "HAHA i know ur password! it is ****"

the first sardar said, "HAHA ur wrong!!! its 1256!"

santa singh called banta singh and said, "Arre main bol raha hoo!" banta singh replied, "Kamal hai! Itthe bhi main bol raha hoo!"

Reply:these are funny!!
Reply:lol these really are funny


26 Signs You've Grown Up?

a. Your potted plants stay alive.

b. Having sex in a twin sized bed is absurd.

c. You keep more food than beer in the fridge.

d. 6:00AM is when you get up, not when you go to sleep.

e. You hear your favorite song on an elevator.

f. You carry an umbrella. You watch the Weather Channel.

g. Your friends marry and divorce instead of hookup and breakup.

h. You go from 130 days of vacation time to 7.

i. Jeans and a sweater no longer qualify as ‘dressed up’.

j. You’re the one calling the police because those darn kids next door don’t know how to turn down the stereo.

k. Older relatives feel comfortable telling sex jokes around you.

l. You don't know what time Taco Bell closes anymore.

m. Your car insurance goes down and your car payments go up.

n. You feed your dog Science Diet instead of McDonald's.

o. Sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt.

p. You no longer take naps from noon to 6PM.

q. Dinner and a movie - The whole date instead of the beginning of one.

r. MTV News is no longer your primary source for information.

s. You go to the drugstore for Ibuprofen and antacids, not condoms and pregnancy test kits.

t. A $4.00 bottle of wine is no longer “pretty good stuff.”

u. You actually eat breakfast foods at breakfast time.

v. Grocery lists are longer than Macaroni %26amp; Cheese, Diet Coke and Ding Dongs.

w. “I just can't drink the way I used to” replaces, “I’m never going to drink that much again.”

x. Over 90% of the time you spend in front of a computer is for real work.

y. You don’t drink at home to save money before going to a bar.

z. You read this entire list looking for one sign that doesn’t apply to you.

26 Signs You've Grown Up?
bugga , i'm an oldie, thanks 4 pointing it out 26 times, rofl
Reply:you know what, i don't fit ANY of this list, especially the last one. Cos i was looking for 1 sign that does apply to me but there's none. Crap.

..maybe except for

r.MTV News is no longer your primary source for information

cos yahoo! answers is my primary source :P
Reply:cool very thought out!
Reply:ha ha ha so true
Reply:funny stuff
Reply:I'll be printing out this list to stick on the fridge...just to keep an eye on it %26amp; make sure i don't let old age creep up on me!! Cheers
Reply:Wow, I Feel Like A Mother. ( Wait I Am)
Reply:i dont do any of that ....
Reply:lol, well one of those apply to me with either side of the problem. I'm still in school, so...yah.
Reply:thats real good

Sardarji jokes?

1)Sardar went to jail. why??????????????????????????????

He saw a girl at a media conference with a card on her shirt pocket which said "PRESS". and he DID.

2)When sardar was traveling with his wife in an auto,

The driver adjusted mirror.

Sardar shouted, "You are trying to see my wife? Sit back. I will drive.!

3)Sardar told his servant: Go and water the plants.

Servant: it's already raining.

Sardar: So what? Take an umbrella and go.

4)On a romantic day sardar's girlfriend asks him. Darling on our

engagement day will you give me a ring.?

Sardar : Ya sure, from landline or mobile.?

5) 2 sardars were fixing a bomb in a car.

Sardar 1 : What would you do if the bomb explodes while fixing.?

sardar 2 : Dont worry, I have one more.


Sardarji jokes?
kuch to bohot hi mast hain yaar.............

keep it up.........................................
Reply:what is sardar????
Reply:who is sardar

massage shoes

Hey...are you bored?? ...then how about reading some jokes?

Bob: I hav'nt slept all nite in the train.

Tom: Y?

Bob: Got upper berth.

Tom: Y did'nt u Xchnged?

Bob: but, there was nobody 2 Xchng in the lower berth.


A photographer was taking a snap of a dead person.suddenly all of them started beating him u know y?..coz he said SMILE PLEASE.


Bob told his servant: Go and water the plants.

Servant: It"s already raining.

Bob: So what take an umbrella and go.


Bob was writing something very slowly.

Tom asked:Why r u writing so slowly?

Bob:I'm writing 2 my 6 yr old son he cant read very fast.


Bob : Son, how much is 8 times 8 ?

Son : Dad it is 54 !!

Bob : Very good son.Here is a chocolate for you !

Tom who was passing by had heard the above conversation and said that sir 8 times 8 is 64 and u gave chocolate to your son for giving a wrong answer !

Bob : Look mister I gave him a chocolate because my son is improving.

Tom: Improving !! How sir?

Bob : yesterday he answered 44 !


Hey...are you bored?? ...then how about reading some jokes?
Brilliant .

I would give you 6 out of 10 .

Good jokes .
Reply:these are kinda stupid...
Reply:What did one carrot say to the other carrot?

Nothing stupid, carrots dont talk. :P
Reply:Those are probably the worst typed jokes I've ever seen. Especially the photographer one. Terrible.
Reply:Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Very amusing! I have a faint suspicion that these were Sardarji jokes, you used the name 'Bob' instead. Good thinking.
Reply:Thanx for the laugh
Reply:got more bored
Reply:Not funny indeed!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:4th one is o.k. others have wasted your time and my time cheers
Reply:They r good. Hw abt this ??

A man who is not so good in english joined a part time job as a night watchman. He enjoyed %26amp; loved the company of his fellow watchman through out the duty time. They both became fast friends.

When about to sign off the duty, he wanted his friend to "take care" till they meet again... out of good will %26amp; his ignorance he said "Be careful "

Reply:ok..your jokes are not funny
Reply:Hmmm... I don't know I have heard funnier. Like:

Two blondes walked into a bar.

You'd think the second would've ducked!


Two muffins were in an oven. One muffin said, " whoa, it's getting hot in here." The other muffin said " Holy **** it's a talking muffin!"
Reply:look..usually i laugh at lame jokes..but these ones were sad! if you're bored please sleep and don't waste our time
Reply:Thanks. One day I browsed quickly the newspaper before going out to work. I happened to open the page where there is the cartoon corner.

Nancy looked carefully at the fishes inside the small Aquarium and said aloud to herself ' must be very boring to be a fish!'

I smiled and started off my day.
Reply:These jokes r not really funny.

Btw, how old r u..?

Reply:Very nice .Thank You. Enjoy reading them.
Reply:A horse walks into a bar and the bartender says, Why the long face?
Reply:that's funny

what did the man say when he walked into the bar?

ouch!!! do u get it?
Reply:sorry my boredom is much beyond this try something more so i can even make a false smile.
Reply:Thank you! Not bored but around hateful folk
Reply:lol. gud jokes. mail me some more
Reply:hey ,2nd one is really very funny.


keep it up
Reply:hahaha!lol! those are really good!
Reply:I like from the watering of the plants down.
Reply:Did you write these?

15-Year-Old Outsmarts U.N. Climate Panel, Predicts End of Australia's Drought?

15-Year-Old Outsmarts U.N. Climate Panel, Predicts End of Australia's Drought

Last week, NewsBusters readers were introduced to Portland, Maine’s fabulous fifteen-year-old, Kristen Byrnes, whose website “Ponder the Maunder” marvelously takes on anthropogenic global warming myths including those being advanced by soon-to-be-Dr. Al Gore.

As will be revealed post haste, this newest – and likely youngest – member of the growing list of folks skeptical about man’s role in climate change actually walks the walk better than she talks the talk.

Yet, despite her youth and precocious scientific acumen, it seems quite unlikely that she’ll be sitting down with Matt Lauer or Diane Sawyer any time soon to discuss her research concerning one of the most popular subjects on the media’s front-burner. Why?

Because a prediction that she made last month concerning Australia's drought has marvelously borne fruit making the scientists employed by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change look a bit foolish.

To set this up, here’s what the IPCC Summary for Policymakers report released on April 7 predicted regarding Australia (emphasis added):

As a result of reduced precipitation and increased evaporation, water security problems are projected to intensify by 2030 in southern and eastern Australia and, in New Zealand, in Northland and some eastern regions. ** D [11.4]

Production from agriculture and forestry by 2030 is projected to decline over much of southern and eastern Australia, and over parts of eastern New Zealand, due to increased drought and fire.

About two weeks later, in an Internet discussion group which I belong to that deals exclusively with anthropogenic global warming issues, Byrnes wrote the following to an Australian participant (emphasis added, released with her permission and that of her parents):

I was just looking at my ENSO 3.4 chart when I was responding to Eduardo's email. It looks like the ENSO has been positive for 95% of the last 6 years. Since Austrailia [sic] experiences warm and dry conditions during positive ENSO, six years of drought would not surprise me. But it is headed negative very quickly now, so you might want to dust off your umbrella.

Well, just last week, there were signs from Australia that the six-year-old drought might be over. As reported by on May 18 in an article deliciously titled “Drought Could Be Ending”:

THE El Nino weather system has run its course and the weather bureau says the worst drought in a century could be coming to an end, as heavy rain soaked parched southeastern Australia.

Inland NSW and north-east Victoria enjoyed heavy rainfall today, with reports from 20-30mm falling in some areas and as high as 53mm in country Victoria, Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) senior forecaster Phil King said.

Mr King said the rainfall reflected a shift in weather patterns back to a more normal situation following an end to the drought-making El Nino and signs emerging of its opposite, a La Nina, which brings rain.

"The El Nino is over,'' he said.

"The global patterns are indicating there are more neutral and natural conditions and with the rainfalls, there are signs we have returned to more normal patterns.''

Certainly great news for Australians, wouldn't you agee? And, the Canberra Times reported Wednesday (emphasis added):

Winter has arrived early on the Snowy Mountains in spectacular fashion.

A blanket of snow has covered much of the high ranges of the Kosciuszko National Park over the past two days and hopes are running high for the coming ski season.

After spending much of the summer season enduring the drought and feeling the threat of climate change, the residents of Jindabyne are alight with anticipation of a good season. The town, at the foot of the national park, almost triples in size during the snow season and relies heavily on the tourist dollar.

"Don't you worry, this season will be a good one, this is a big one. You'll see, we can feel it," one long-time resident said.

As for agriculture, The Age reported Thursday:

A good wet season in northern Australia has put Queensland-based cattle producer Australian Agricultural Co Ltd (AAco) on track for an improved performance this year.

AAco managing director Don Mackay said recent rain in some parts of southern states had also boosted prospects.

And, reported the following on Thursday as well (emphasis added):

Recent storms over the northeast Top End put the icing on the cake for the Nothern [sic] Territory's rain totals, which have been more than 5 times the May average in some areas.

Places such as Batchelor Airport in the north, and Kulgera in the Alice Springs district have had more than 500% of their average monthly rainfall.

Lajamanu has done particularly well with more than 7 times their average monthly rain. Most of that was from a heavy downpour of 44mm. 20mm of that fell within 1 hour.

On Thursday storms crossing the eastern Top End drenched Nhulunbuy, with 41mm recorded from this event. Showers will continue on Friday in moist, unstable easterly winds, with falls heaviest in the east.

Obviously, Kristen’s April 20 suggestion that folks in Australia better dust off their umbrellas was rather prescient. Just imagine if this 15-year-old’s prediction supported the Global Warmingist-in-Chief Al Gore’s position on man’s role in climate change. Think she’d be Matt, Meredith, and Diane’s guest tomorrow?

Regardless of the answer, here’s what Kristen saw in the climate data that the global warming alarmists working for the U.N. either didn’t recognize or chose to ignore as shared with me by e-mail:

There are certain rules in climate. One of them is that when there is an El Nino, there is dry weather in Australia, especially during their summer. Here is a map of what I am talking about:.

and during their winter:

Australia has been in drought for about 6 years because there have been positive ENSO conditions for most of the past 6 years.

ENSO stands for El NiƱo/Southern Oscillation; more information on this indicator is available here and here. Kristen continued her explanation:

This is the NOAA Oceanic Nino Index. There are many different ENSO indexes. I use this one because it is updated all the time.

NOAA also publishes ENSO forecasts. They are usually pretty good a few months in advance but not perfect. Last month the La Nina was starting much faster but it has slowed down. This means that Australia will have normal rainfall for the planting season. The forecast for ENSO can be found here.

Kristen then addressed why so much of the alarmism is based on specious science:

The reason that computer climate models do not work is because they cannot predict volcanoes, ENSO and solar variance. They also do not understand how water vapor and clouds work.

Another rule in climate is that El Nino warms the average global temperature and La Nina is the opposite. During normal conditions the trade winds at the equator blow cool water off the coast of Peru to the east and cause warm water to pile up near Indonesia, the wind pressure actually causes sea water levels to be higher there. During La Nina, the winds blow even harder and pile the water up even more. During El Nino the winds slow down and the warm water flows back to Peru.

The result is, during La Nina (cool event) the cold water coming from the bottom of the ocean near Peru is blown across the surface to Indonesia. The Earth's normal circulation that takes heat from the equator towards the poles has less heat to move to the poles.

On the other hand, when there is an El Nino, the warm water spreads across the surface back to Peru. More warm water is in contact with the air above and the Earth's circulation takes that heat toward the poles.

From about 1944 to 1976 the ENSO was mostly negative and solar increased then decreased. Temperatures during this time cooled a little. Since 1976 the ENSO has been more positive. This along with increasing solar activity has combined to warm the globe. What is expected over the next few years is for the ENSO to move back to a negative phase and for solar activity to level off then go down. That is why the weather guy said that in 5 years global warming will be a joke.

Kristen was referring to a NewsBusters' article about New Zealand's favorite weatherman, Augie Auer, who was quoted last week as saying that over-hyped fears regarding climate change are "all going to be a joke in five years."

Kristen continued:

I am already seeing signs that the climate is cooling. Since 2001 the oceans have not warmed. 2005 was supposed to be the warmest year on record but ENSO went a little negative that year. That means the base temperature (the oceans) was as warm as it is going to get because 2006 was an El Nino year and it was the 6th warmest on record. Keep in mind that for the last 70 years there has been an 11,000 year solar high. It takes time for all that heat to build up in the oceans, but it seems that the oceans are as warm as they will get from this 11,000 year solar high. This year will be cooler than last year because it will be an ENSO negative year and the solar cycle still has not started yet.

Also keep in mind that just because there is no El Nino or La Nina, there is still heating or cooling. ENSO positive that does not get to the level of El Nino will still warm the climate, just a lot less. Same with ENSO negative that does not make the level of La Nina.

So, what does all this tell us?

Well, if the drought in Australia and New Zealand is indeed ending – and, certainly, early-season rains and snowstorms do not yet prove this – one must question the models being used by the IPCC to forecast climate change in the future.

After all, if a long-range forecast issued April 7 ends up being wrong five weeks later, why on earth would we trust these folks from the U.N. to be able to accurately predict what’s going to happen next year, or fifty to a hundred years from now?

Maybe more important, should we actually enact policy changes that could negatively impact the economy on the recommendations of a group that can’t accurately predict events beyond just a month and a half?

Of course, the other likely more pivotal side of this revelation is whether the scientists involved are just incompetent, or willfully malfeasant. As Kristen wrote in her e-mail message to me, “They were probably trying to scare the people of Australia into signing Kyoto.”

Well, if this is the case, then aren’t all involved participating in a shameful scam?

Think about it. If this is indeed about getting developed nations to agree to the Kyoto Protocol, isn’t the U.N. best served by predicting calamitous climate events regardless of their merit in order to scare the public into complacent support?

If there is evidence to suggest that this is indeed the case – for example, proof of errant predictions by the IPCC – shouldn’t the veracity and integrity of the information emanating from this organization be much more thoroughly scrutinized?

Sounds like questions good journalists should be asking, wouldn’t you agree?

So, why aren’t they?

15-Year-Old Outsmarts U.N. Climate Panel, Predicts End of Australia's Drought?
Answer: Er...Yes!

Details: Quite an essay of a question. Without a doubt the U.N.'s IPCC is a political attack on the successful industrial nations by jealous, backwards, third world countries that want to cripple their betters

Have them attempt to include China and India in their Intimidation...ER Protocol and watch the negative response that they receive.
Reply:WOW!!!!! That kid rocks! Anyway, Journalists should be asking these questions....I think they are intimidated by THE KID!!!!!
Reply:yo q is 2 lng!
Reply:Quote: "Just imagine if this 15-year-old’s prediction supported the Global Warmingist-in-Chief Al Gore’s position on man’s role in climate change."

Besides the fact that this is a counterfactual fallacy, it doesn't support your overall argument. If in fact pointing at a fairly local climate event (drought) and claiming it is evidence of overall climate change is a fallacy, then doing the opposite by saying a break in the drought proves no overall climate change is equally fallacious.
Reply:Does rainfall today or tomorrow or for the next three weeks really constitute the end to a drought? The UN studies forecast into 2030 but if it rains this year they are wrong?

This might be the longest silliest thing I've ever seen on here. Good job copying and pasting though.

Laugh more! lol!?

1)Sardar told his servant: Go and water the plants.

Servant: It"s already raining.

Sardar: So what? take an umbrella and go.

2)Sardar wins 20 cr from Rs. 20 lottery ticket. Dealer gave 11 cr after deducting tax.

Angry Sardar: "Give me 20 cr or else return my 20 Rs


3)Postman:- I Have To Come 5 Miles To Deliver U This Packet

Sardar:- why did u come so far. Instead u could have posted it....

4)Sardar at an Art Gallery: I suppose this horrible looking thing is what

you call modern art ?

Art dealer: I beg your pardon sir, that is a mirror!

5)A man asked sardarji, why Manmohan singh goes walking at evening not in

the morning. Sardarji replied "Arey bhai Manmohan is PM(prime minister) not AM"

Laugh more! lol!?
Surdz rule...

Q: "Have you ever read Shakespeare?"

Sardar: "No, who wrote it?"

* * * * *

Sardar ordered a pizza and the clerk asked if he should cut it in six or twelve pieces.

"Six, please. I could never eat twelve pieces."

* * * * *

Why did 18 sardarjis go to a movie?

Because below 18 was not allowed.

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

What do you do when a Sardar throws a pin at you?

Run like Hell....he's got a hand grenade in his mouth.

* * * * * *

How do you make a Sardar laugh on Saturday?

Tell him a joke on Wednesday.

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

Why can't Sardars make ice cubes?

They always forget the recipe.

* * * * * *

How did the Sardar try to kill the bird?

He threw it off a cliff.

* * * * * *

What do you do when a Sardar throws a hand grenade at you?

Pull the pin and throw it back.
Reply:Will u cut that out. man...this sardar really IS an idiot... lol...
Reply:I enjoyed 1,3, and 4 the most. :o) You made me laugh... thanks!
Reply:really nice but u should have added a line of apology to all the sardars here
Reply:... do it again!

Wanna gud jokes [2]...?

Refreshing ones


Sardarji gets ready, wears tie, coat, goes out, climbs tree,

and sits on the branch regularly. A man asks why he does this.

Sardarji: "I've been promoted as branch manager." !


Why is a Sardarji standing below a tube light with a open

mouth................. Because his doctor advised him

"Today's dinner should be light" !


Sardar told his servant: Go and water the plants. Servant:

It's already raining. Sardar: So what take an umbrella and go !


A teacher told all students in a class to write an essay on

a cricket match. All were busy writing except one Sardarji. He wrote



A Sardar %26amp; his wife filed an application for Divorce. Judge

asked: How'll U divide, U"VE 3 children? Sardar replied: Ok! We'll

apply NEXT YEAR !


Wanna gud jokes [2]...?
perfect indian... mus b like this... lol...

ne ways, these were good... do v get an encore?
Reply:its not funny but i get the jokes.
Reply:How many real good jokes do you have?
Reply:Keep them flowing I am almost asleep.
Reply:This Shows that u r a perfect INDIAN
Reply:durka durka


Reply:a child asks his father

what is politics

the father replies

well son, i guess i am head of the house so i would be the president, your mother keeps things running so she would be the government, the nanny would be the working class, you would be the people, and your baby brother can be the future. now think about that and come to me when it makes sense to you and tell me about it.

later that night the brother awoke to his baby brother crying. he goes to see what the problem was and saw that he had soiled himself. so he goes to his parents room to tell them and his mother is asleep in bed alone. not wanting to wake her he goes to the nannies room to get her, and the door lock. he looks through the peep hole to see inside and his dad is in bed with the nanny.

the next day he goes to his father and says

i finally understand politics.

his father askes

can you explain it to me

so he says

well the president is screwing the working class, while the government is asleep. the people are being ignored, and the future is in deep ****
Reply:good ones!!

height increasing shoes

Another joke!must read it!?

1)Sardarji was filling up application form for a job. He was not sure as to what to be filled in column "Salary Expected". After much thought he wrote :Yes!

2)Sardar told his servant: Go and water the plants.

Servant: It"s already raining.

Sardar: So what? take an umbrella and go.

3)Sardar wins 20 cr from Rs. 20 lottery ticket. Dealer gave 11 cr after deducting tax.

Angry Sardar: "Give me 20 cr or else return my 20 Rs

4)Postman:- I Have To Come 5 Miles To Deliver U This Packet

Sardar:- why did u come so far. Instead u could have posted


5)Sardar asked a Girl for marriage!Girl said 'I'm one yr elder to you'!Sardar said'No Problem , I'll marry you NEXT YEAR.

6)A man asked sardarji, why Manmohan singh goes walking at evening not in the morning. Sardarji"cause he is pm not am"

7)Sardar had twins;he named them Tin %26amp; Martin.

Again had twins,named Peter %26amp; Repeater.

Again twins,named Max %26amp; Climax.

Again the same. Disgusted Sardar named them TIRED %26amp; RETIRED!

Another joke!must read it!?
THe Lord of creations BRAHMA one day had to go to REST ROOM for a minute and he told his assisstant to continue the creation work.

When BRHAMA returned he fould that lots of humans created were floating in the sky and his assisttant told BRAHMA I copied you in creation based on my observation but what i created are refusing to go down whats the mmatter?

Brhma said"Oh My child You forgot to add brain into the head . Dont worry I will put a PAGARI (the turban made of cloth which Sardars wear on their head) on each and with that extra weight he pushed all down, Thus were born the SARDARS

on earth. So you see the jokes are because they have no brains!!!



11+ again
Reply:Good! Want some more!!! Pls send it to my mail
Reply:That was too good.........dont mind if u can post it more..

Reply:funny. but #3 got lost in translation
Reply:I told you, I told you .Do a summary..I can't read all o' this.Other people need my advices too you know.You must learn not to be selfish.

Having to share my opinions among millions o' people is too much already.
Reply:thats cute

Some more jokes,,,,rate them?

Teacher: "I killed a person" convert this sentence into future tense.

Sardar: The future tense is "u will go to jail".


Sardar gets ready, wears tie, coat, goes out, climbs a tree, sits on the

branch regularly. A man asks why he does this. Srdr: "I've been promoted as

branch manager."


Sardarji was filling up application form for a job. He was not sure as

to what to be filled in column "Salary Expected".

After much thought he wrote : Yes!


One sardarji professor asked a plumber to come to his college.

U knw Why? Because he wanted to check where the question paper is



Sardar told his servant: Go and water the plants.

Servant: It"s already raining.

Sardar: So what? take an umbrella and go.


Some more jokes,,,,rate them?
good ones......

The girl asked her lover, "Darling, if we get engaged will you give me a ring?"

"Sure, " replied her lover "What's your phone number?".
Reply:last one is funny .. uh and that one with the job *^_^*
Reply:Not bad....Thanks for sharing :-)
Reply:that is so stupid im not sure they can even qualify as a joke!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:LOL. LOL.
Reply:The 1st one was good LOL
Reply:there was this guy who was 1/2 irish, 1/2 scottish. he wanted a drink but he couldn't bring himself to buy one
Reply:Sardar: The future tense is " u want to go to jail, that's where ur going".

26 signs that you have grown up true or funny?

a. Your potted plants stay alive.

b. Having s*x in a twin-sized bed is absurd.

c. You keep more food than beer in the fridge.

d. 6:00 AM is when you get up, not when you go to sleep.

e. You hear your favorite song on an elevator.

f. You carry an umbrella. You watch the Weather Channel.

g. Your friends marry and divorce instead of hookup and breakup.

h. You go from 130 days of vacation time to 7.

i. Jeans and a sweater no longer qualify as ‘dressed up.’

j. You’re the one calling the police because those darn kids next door don’t know how to turn down the stereo.

k. Older relatives feel comfortable telling sex jokes around you.

l. You don’t know what time Taco Bell closes anymore.

m. Your car insurance goes down and your car payments go up.

n. You feed your dog Science Diet instead of McDonald’s.

o. Sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt.

p. You no longer take naps from noon to 6 p.m.

q. Dinner and a movie - The whole date instead of the beginning of one.

26 signs that you have grown up true or funny? way im getting old .you really cheered me up with this one thanx alot hehehehe...........i.l get over it you can still av a star
Reply:i guess ive got all this to look forward to then!! hehe

Reply:Very Funny, but you forgot..... "Oh my Gosh! I sound just like my Mother!!"
Reply:Aaw, Man! This means I am Really an adult!! LOL.

Good Post! LOL.

Reply:Eh- it was pretty funny.

Reply:Thats what I call funny ! 9/10.
Reply:damn you!

you forgot groaning when you sit down.

Reply:Ha ha, A lot of those ring true. 10/10.
Reply:unfortunately i seem to be very grown up! :-( but lol, now if i drink at home before going out instead of being the cool party girl i'd be considered to have a problem!
Reply:very funny! Now I feel really old!!!
Reply:yup spot on again, so true, so very true ahh life don't you just love it? well maybe i have'nt grown up quite yet as my damn pot plants still keep dying lol and never have like elevator music lol.
Reply:True and funny 10/10.